Summer Container Gardening…

While out shopping the other day I spotted these colorful container gardens spilling over with beautiful blooms.  They were on a patio in the direct sun in an area where summer temperatures regularly rise into the 90s and evenings are cold.  The flowers featured appear to be happy companions and very resistant to the temperature shifts. 

The wine barrel garden is an excellent example of elegant container garden design.  The tall salvia in the center gives the arrangement height and structure, while the yellow rudbeckia steals the show with bright summer color.  Filler flowers like climbing petunias trail out of the barrel, unifying the design.

The terracotta pot below also had a lovely display of hot summer flowers.  Here, the salvia again forms the center of the arrangement and brings height to the design.  Other colorful flowers fill in the edges, while a light green potato vine drapes over onto the patio.

I am inspired to try some of these flower combinations in my own summer containers and hope you will be too!


Fine Art Photography: Roses


Trees and Wildflowers at Alpine Lake