Alstroemeria: Peruvian Lily


Alstroemeria, more commonly known as Peruvian Lily, is an excellent choice for everyday home floral arrangements when a burst of color is needed for minimal cost and effort.  These blooms are available at most markets and last a week or two when purchased and placed in a vase of water.  The water, of course, must be changed daily for the flowers to stay at their beautiful best!

In the language of flowers alstroemeria means devotion and is also a lovely addition to mixed floral arrangements as a colorful filler flower.  The blooms come in vivid tones of yellow, orange, and pink in addition to white and are often variegated.

These are a some photos I took a while back of styled alstroemeria.  Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful week!


Christmas Brunch Table with Stargazer Lilies


Fall Table Styling